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Simple Facts About Blood Pressure

By: Christian Goodman

Notice that every time you visit a doctor's office, hospital, clinic, or any other health related place, they always begin by checking your blood pressure. Have you ever wondered why?

Well, high blood pressure, also known as "hypertension", the "silent disease" or the "silent killer" is the measure of pressure that the blood exerts against the wall of your arteries as your heart pumps.

Many people with dangerously high blood pressure are walking around without even knowing that they have the disease because there are no symptoms for weeks, months, or even years.

But high blood pressure is a dangerous condition and complications can be very serious. You see, as the heart pumps the blood through the walls of arteries that have lost their elasticity, the heart has to work much harder to push the blood through them.

Because the blood has to work its way through every organ in the body as well, the pressure affects not only the arteries, but the heart, the liver, the lungs? every vital organ that you have.

Since the arteries need a higher pressure to maintain the flow of blood, all the other organs suffer from the extra surge of blood needed to maintain those weakened arteries.

Complications experienced from high blood pressure can be life threatening.

You may feel healthy even though your body is already on the brink of a stroke, heart attack, dissection of the aorta, kidney failure, or irreversible heart damage.

Medication can help manage high blood pressure. But aside from that, a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures are also needed to fight the disease.

The are a number of ways to manage and lower blood pressure. Number one is to avoid too much salt. Diets low in salt have proven to be helpful to many people, but especially to those suffering from high blood pressure.

Number two is to exercise regularly. This will help the body in so many ways, one of which is to lower blood pressure. For those who are obese, losing a few pounds can have a very positive effect in lowering blood pressure.

Many people have explored alternative measures and there are reports that some of these alternatives produce a wide range of results. It has been suggested that possible relief of hypertension can be found in a variety of practices including acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage therapy, qigong, yoga, and shiatsu.

One area of relief I'm sure most of the medical community can agree on is simple relaxation. It has been known that stress can affect one's blood pressure so it is advisable to evaluate the things that may be causing stress in your life and finding other ways to handle those issues.

Regardless of the solutions you choose or the available alternatives you explore, one thing is certain, controlled blood pressure is vital in maintaining a healthy body that will see you well into your senior years.

The sooner you become conscious of your blood pressure levels and start practicing a lifestyle that will keep them lowered, the sooner you will start enjoying health benefits that will last a lifetime!

My high blood pressure program can help even if your blood pressure already exceeds normal limits. Following a few simple exercises will bring your numbers down easily in a completely natural way and often within a week...

Author Resource:-> Christian Goodman is a well known natural health alternatives researcher and the writer of the Natural Health Blog. His recent work is the Lower Blood Pressure program, which is a natural method for high blood pressure management.

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Many people choose to learn reflexology in order to benefit their health in many different ways. Some people choose to become a reflexologist in order to assist others with the problems that they may be having. With more and more reflexologists in demand these days as western society begins to understand and respect the art of reflexology, now more than ever is a good time to become a certified reflexologist. In this article, we'll give you some tips that will help to make it easier to successfully perform reflexology in order to make a living.

One of the most important things to familiarize yourself with if you are planning on becoming a certified reflexologist is the website of the American Reflexology Certification Board. Located at, this site can point you in the right direction in terms of helping you to realize the thingvs that you should learn in order to pass the exam. While not all states require certifications in reflexology, it never hurts to have some paperwork to back up your skills so that a client can know that they are making the right decision in visiting you

The website will also offer you a listing of several different schools that can teach you the art of reflexology while helping you to prepare for the exam. As a rule, you should try to choose a school that has a well-rounded curriculum which doesn't exclusively focus on the reflexology technique. In addition to the techniques, which are necessary to learn, you're going to want to become more informed about ethics, professionalism, and nutrition, as well as the physiological and biological basis for reflexology. In this way, you will be better suited when it comes to dealing with answering questions that your clients may have about the therapy. Rest assured, many clients will be asking about why reflexology works the way it does, and it never hurts to have an answer.

Since it is such a novel departure from western medicine, you will need to have the utmost level of professionalism in order to demonstrate to your clients that you are indeed a competent practitioner that knows their stuff. Another thing that you may want to consider when becoming a reflexologist is becoming a fully certified massage therapist. This can greatly increase your client base, and although it will take a lot more effort to finish the massage therapy licensing program, it can really result in a lot more money for your work. Some people choose to just be reflexologists, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Having a wide range of available skills is always useful in when you are running an alternative treatment practice. As with any type of profession, you will have to put some hard work and effort into obtaining your certification and getting your business up and running, but it can really pay off when you find that you are making a living doing something that you love. If you're really interested in reflexology, you can surely make it your career!

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